Opening an Adult Foster Home
If this interests you, please read through the Considering a New Career as an Adult Foster Home Provider brochure. The brochure will give you a quick overview of what this program is all about.
Want to know more?
The very first thing you want to do is attend an orientation that is specific to where you want to open your adult foster home and who you want to care for in your adult foster home.
If you want to open your adult foster home to care for seniors and adults with physical disabilities in Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, and Yamhill Counties, you’re in the right place. The AFH Licensing staff at NorthWest Senior & Disability Services provide this orientation. At the orientation you will receive all of the information and forms you need to continue the application process.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the first step to opening an adult foster home?
The first step is attending an adult foster home orientation. The required orientations are held once a month at either our Salem office located at 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, OR 97303. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, call us at 503-304-3400 or toll free at 1-800-469-8772. Ask for licensing.
2. How long will it take to open an adult foster home?
Typically, it takes 60 days to become licensed, once your completed application and non-refundable fee is received. Your application is not complete until all of the required application information is submitted.
3. What can I do now?
If you’re already sure you want to work toward getting a license, there is one thing you can start working on before your orientation. Before obtaining a license, you will be required to attend provider basic training and pass an exam. This class is called Ensuring Quality Care. Find an Ensuring Quality Care class on the provider tools website.
4. Is there a need for more adult foster homes?
Yes, there is always a need for adult foster homes that provide individuals necessary care in a homelike environment, while emphasizing independence, choice, dignity, and decision-making.
5. How much will I get paid?
There are two payment options. One option is private pay, where the resident has a contract with you to pay a certain amount of money each month in return for specific care and services. The other option is Medicaid. The resident’s case manager will determine the total amount to be paid by Medicaid for their care. This determination will be based on the resident’s care needs.
6. In what counties does NWSDS license adult foster homes?
Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, and Yamhill Counties.
7. What kind of adult foster homes does NWSDS license?
NWSDS licenses commercial and limited adult foster homes for seniors and people with disabilities.
8. How can I get information on opening an adult foster home now?
Call us at 503-304-3400 or toll free at 1-800-469-8772. Ask for licensing.
9. How do I reach an adult foster home licensor?
Call us at 503-304-3400 or toll free at 1-800-469-8772. Ask for licensing.
Pay for and Enroll in a Class
There are two courses that are required for those involved in adult foster home management.
First Course
The first level course is EQC Essentials. This course is required to become an administrator, resident manager, shift caregiver, or adult foster home licensee. This course costs $250 plus $9.55 in addition for PayPal fee = $259.55 total. This course serves as a prerequisite to EQC AFH Administration.
Second Course
The second level course is EQC AFH Administration. This course is required to become an administrator or adult foster home licensee.
This course costs an additional $100 plus $4.12 in addition for PayPal fee = $104.12 total.
Before paying for the class, connect with the course instructor to register. Contact or call 503.304.3400 to speak with the EQC Instructor directly.
Required coursework can be purchased together or separately. If purchased together, the fee is $250 + $100 + $13.16 in addition for PayPal fee = $363.16 total. Please select your course or courses below and complete your payment through PayPal.
There is no admission to either course without prior payment.